

The Company Salko Engineering Group s.r.o. carries out activities on the market of the Czech Republic and Ukraine and other countries in the following main areas:

  • Development of normative and technical documentation, methodological materials and technical guides, standard and operating programs on assessment of technical condition, qualification (including external effects, in particular seismic impact), life extension beyond the project time frame for equipment and pipelines of SS (safety system), SRS (safety-related system) and other systems of NPP (nuclear power plant).
  • Performance of strength calculations of any types of static and dynamic effects on equipment and pipelines of SS, SRS and other systems of NPP, TPP (thermal power plant) and industrial facilities.
  • Implementation of projects on assessment of technical condition and life extension of equipment and pipelines of SS, SRS and other systems of NPP beyond the project time frame.
  • Execution of equipment and pipelines qualification for severe, seismic conditions and other external effects, including walkdown of equipment and pipelines of SS, SRS and other systems of NPP in order to determine safety factor and seismic stability under GIP WWER procedure and calculation and analytical study of critical seismic stability under the regulations of RSNPE (Rules and Standards in Nuclear-Power Engineering) and IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency), SMA and GIP WWER procedures, performance of reliability calculations determining fragility curves parameters.
  • Execution of works on probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA) on NPP sites including seismotectonic modelling, seismic hazard curve plotting, response spectra, accelerograms of free-field surface, soil-structure interaction analysis (SSI) and initial data generation for the seismic section of PSA (probabilistic safety assessment) taking into account qualification works.
  • Implementation of solutions for the entire complex of tasks on protection of structures, structural units, equipment and pipelines against operating vibrations, seismic, impulse, impact, blast loads and special dynamic effects according to a unique technology of high viscosity dampers.
  • Performance of an independent examination of the executors’ works results at all life extension project implementation stages and also in the seismic stability area.
  • Organization and execution of an integrated supply of equipment and materials for FEC (Fuel & Energy Complex) facilities and other industry branches.
  • Rendering of organizational and technical assistance when executing international projects, including the area of safety improvement at FEC facilities.